Install the SSL Server Certificate Files

  1. Login to cPanel (please see your hosting welcome email for login URL)
  2. Click on the SSL/TLS icon and then select Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS)
  3. In the Upload a New Certificate section click the Browse button and locate the SSL Server Certificate file you received from your provider (should be named your_domain_com.txt).
  4. Click the Upload button.
  5. Click the Go Back link to return to SSL/TLS Manger.

Setup the Domain

  1. Click SSL/TLS Manager > Setup a SSL certificate to work with your site
  2. From the Domain drop down menu select the domain that will use the SSL Certificate. The system will attempt to Fetch the SSL Certificate and corresponding private key.
  3. Copy-and-paste all the contents of the intermediate certificate into the Ca Bundle (CABUNDLE) box.
  4. Click on Install Certificate. You should receive a message that the certificate was successfully installed. If you receive an error please note the exact error and open a support ticket in your Always Amber control Panel.
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